Two LP gatefold. Standard Black, Neon Green, Yellow/Purple Rose, Neon Green/Red vinyl available. Includes 18x24 full color poster, sticker, random band flyers and an 11x17 two sided color insert with band bios and photos.
Discography 1984-1986 (DWGM-22)
Hearts of the Terminus (DWGM-21)
Moon Howler (DWGM-20)
Across The Depths of Seven Lakes (DWGM-18)
Bright Spot and The Midnight Sun (DWGM-17)
Turquoise Fields (DWGM-16)
Borderline (DWGM-15)
Discography 1983-1985 (DWGM-14)
7" (DWGM-13)
Self-Titled (DWGM-12)
Escape From ATL (DWGM-11)
The Arbalest - OST (DWGM-10)
Picture One (DWGM-9)
Glamour Profession (DWGM-8)
Dekalb Time Slip (DWGM-7)
Sealed Shut (DWGM-6)
Split (DWGM-5)
Atlanta Crime Wave (DWGM-3)
Self-Titled (DWGM-2)
Self-Titled (DWGM-1)
Light Beyond This, Light Before This (DWGM-0)